Monday, March 22, 2010

Winding up the day

After a filling dinner of meatloaf, potatoes, salad, bread, and fruit, we returned to our dorms where we journaled about our classes. Be sure to ask the kids about the difference between our classes here and our classes at home. The teachers came by and walked us to the gym where we were presented with some very difficult challenges to complete. We worked with the STOP philosophy: Stop, Think, Organize, Proceed. Some groups are working well together while others are stuck. I have chosen a group to watch for the week; one that I anticipate will show great improvement in their ability to work together. ORT REPORT: 3 lbs

We are now back in the dorms, settling in for the night. Soon it will be lights out. It's been a busy and very physical day ~ waitrons must report at 7:45 am. Everyone else will report for breakfast at 8. Can't wait to see the class choices tomorrow.


  1. Not sure what's going on here. My previous post occurred at 10:12, not 8:07. Another mystery to figure out.

  2. I'm sure everyone will fall asleep fast. Thanks Ms. Cesarz for doing N.C. every year. My son did the trip with you years ago-and still remembers the trip as a great experience.

  3. I think this is an awesome experience for the kids. My two older children did it and couldn't stop talking it up to Katie :) One of them said is was probably the coolest experience they have had in thier life thus far!
    Way to go CMS and all the staff that take the time to organize and make it happen.

  4. Looks like you had a very exciting first day. Great work!

  5. Wow - sounds like a fantastic first day, and I have to admit I'm a bit jealous that you all were able to be outside on such a beautiful day! Mr. Vandenberg will be bringing something out to N.C. from some of us here at CMS later today. Have a great day =] -Mrs. Braun

  6. Looks like everyone is having a great time! Can't wait to see and hear more from you guys. I bet the kids aren't even realizing how much they are actually learning. My older daughter is a junior in High School and can still sing the ORT report song! Have a wonderful time everyone!

  7. Looks like you guys are going to have a lot of fun. Learning about thing you might not have wanted to but will find you really like it. Enjoy yourself and we will be waiting to learn with you. Have fun.
    The Dooley's

  8. Wow! This is so cool to be able to see what the kids have been doing throughout the day. I will be checking this site daily - :) - Ms. Bradbury
